Big data versus bad data: Here’s why we’re not in the midst of a subprime data crisis

According to LinkedIn’s Peter Weinberg, marketers are facing a data crisis that’s got a whole lot in common with America’s subprime mortgage crisis. You know, the one from that movie with Ryan Gosling, The Big Short. But Weinberg is missing one crucial detail in his argument. Key points: My Takeout: Do marketers have a toxic […]
Why offline advertising still matters

You may sell your products and services online – and indeed many more brands are doing so now – but successful retail brands are built offline. There’s no question that Covid-19 has accelerated the adoption of online shopping. Some are calling it a seismic shift, and for good reason. However, just because every man and […]
Media v Tech giants. It’s game on.

Ben Willee, our General Manager and Media Director, returns to mic on the ‘Fear and Greed’ business podcast with Sean Aylmer. Tune in to hear Ben explain his take on the ongoing battle between media companies and tech giants, why Cricket Australia is padding up against Nine and Seven over broadcast rights, plus Ben’s quick […]
The market will be back, here’s why

Tune in again to the ‘Fear and Greed’ business podcast where Sean Aylmer speaks with Ben Willee, our General Manager and Media Director, about the current state of the ad market. They also talk about the ACCC’s attempts to force Facebook and Google to pay for accessing premium news content, advertising in Broadcast Video On Demand, […]
Charles Darwin and the evolution of the media skill set

The needs of client-side marketers have changed dramatically in recent years forcing a rethink of what is required from a media partnership. So what skills do your media people need to be effective now and in the future? Ben Willee explains. Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who […]
Four things retailers need to focus on now

It’s not over yet but we’re starting to see some signs of life in the old economy which is a relief shared by all of us, particularly retailers. There’s no need to sugarcoat it: the past couple of months have knocked many businesses about, although there are bright spots and there are opportunities amongst the […]